Who are we?
We’re an ordinary group of people from suburban Rototuna, Hamilton, New Zealand (most of us anyway). What brings us together as a community church is a shared passion for Jesus Christ and being his community in this community. We share his love with one another and to our neighbours in a range of practical ways.
Our Values

We use Five Values to help describe the character of our community. They are aspirational – works in progress.

Our five Values define and guide our culture – they are our priorities and commitments as a community of Christ. They are less about what we do, and more about how and why we do what we do. When making decisions we come back to the Values; when assessing our programmes and services we refer to our Values; when evaluating our culture we defer to our Values.
Early childhood programmes
We offer three excellent and different early childhood services.
Chapel Hill Kindergarten offers a personal, nurturing, community oriented, Christian-based atmosphere.
Playgroup is great for children and caregivers to connect. Playgroup runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, sessions run from 9am-12pm in school term.
Mainly Music is lively, musical, and fun even for the really little ones. Mainly Music sessions run on a Thursday morning from 10am in school term.
Eat together: On the last Sunday of each month we meet before our usual Sunday service at 8:30am, for a shared breakfast.
Worship together: We meet together every Sunday at 10am to sing, explore God’s word, share our stories, and a cuppa.
Do life together: Life Groups meet during the week for further study and connection.
Statement of Faith
- We believe that there is one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the creator and sustainer of all things.
- We believe that God, in making himself known, inspired the Holy Bible; that the Bible is trustworthy in its entirety and that it has supreme authority in matters of doctrine, faith and conduct.
- We believe that mankind was created for fellowship with God but that we have all sinned and are in consequence guilty in God’s sight, under God’s wrath and separated from him.
- We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, became a human being when Mary, a virgin, conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to a son. Truly and eternally God, he is also truly human but without sin.
- We believe that Jesus Christ offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind when he died on the cross. By his death and resurrection he has provided the only way for us to be forgiven and reconciled to God. Salvation is a free gift from God, accepted through faith alone and not based on personal effort.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit brings us to repent of our sins and to trust in Jesus Christ. God gives us the Spirit when we believe. He lives in us, changes us inwardly, empowers us for witness through word, sign and deed, resources us for building up the Body of Christ (the church), and maintains unity among us.
- We believe that Christ commands his church to preach the gospel throughout the world, teaching and making disciples in all nations and people groups.
- We believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth to gather all believers to himself, and that he will appear to all as King of kings and Judge.
Get in touch
Phone – 07 854 1299
Email – admin@chapelhill.org.nz
Office Hours – Monday & Tuesday 1-4pm, Wednesday and Thursday 9am-2pm.
Post – PO Box 12310, Chartwell Square, Hamilton 3248
Address – 2 Cate Road, Rototuna Hamilton 3210